Strategic Resources

Strategic resources to help you develop the most effective strategies

The strategic resources on this page should help you develop and implement the most effective strategies. Note that the ‘quick strategy’ video shorts explain the approach in the bestselling ‘Quick Guide to Effective Strategy.’ So, if you’ve bought the book you might find the vids helpful as they expand on some of the ideas it describes. If, once you’ve watched the vids, you’d like to find out more about the book, there’s a button at the bottom of the page that will let you read the first two chapters so you can see whether you like it. And there’s another button that will take you to Amazon so you can see some of the outstanding reviews the book has received, or even order it if you wish!

Strategy Course Specifications

Our Strategy Masterclass is a key strategic resource to help you improve your organisation's chances of achieving its most ambitious vision for the future

Strategy Review (supported by generative AI)

Quick Strategy Video Shorts

How to develop an effective strategy - Episode 3 in Craig Lawrence's 'quick strategy' series

Why is strategy making so difficult? Episode 2 in Craig Lawrence's 'quick strategy' series

What is strategy? Episode 2 in Craig Lawrence's 'quick strategy' series

Craig Lawrence on Dartmoor explaining what its famous Tors and strategy have in common!

Strategy Books

Effective Strategy by Craig Lawrence Consulting