Strategy + Leadership = Success

The most successful organisations have a clear view of where they want to be in the future and how they’re going to get there. Whether you’re in the UK or overseas, we can help your organisation develop the winning strategy, the innovative training solutions and the high-level leadership skills to achieve its most ambitious vision for the future.

‘Empowering organisations to achieve their most ambitious vision for the future’

Strategy Development Masterclass receives award for excellence in its design and delivery

A proven approach to developing winning strategies

The Quick Guide to Effective Strategy

All organisations (whether businesses, charities, schools or government departments) need a strategy in place that explains how they are going to achieve their most ambitious vision for the future by exploiting the opportunities and overcoming the obstacles that our complex and ever-changing environment creates. However, thinking strategically and then developing and implementing strategies that work is not that easy; if it were, all organisations would have an effective strategy in place and few of them would ever fail.

This is where we can help. Applying the proven approach described in our bestselling ‘The Quick Guide to Effective Strategy’, we can help you develop a winning strategy, review your existing strategy and/or run a bespoke programme to upskill your own strategy making and leadership teams (such as our award-winning Strategy Masterclass). You can read the first two chapters of the book or see it on Amazon by clicking the buttons below. Or scroll down to see the full range of services we offer and to see some of the organisations we’ve worked with.

Who are we? More than just strategy consultants!

Craig Lawrence CBE, Founder and MD of Craig Lawrence Consulting Limited

Craig Lawrence CBE, our senior strategy consultant, left the British Army in 2016 as a Major General to lead the teaching of strategy and strategic leadership at the UK Government’s ‘strategy college’ in London. Whilst there, he transformed the college’s year-long flagship postgraduate course, turning it into a ‘must do’ career enhancer for senior executives destined to reach the very highest levels of their international organisations. He also wrote ‘Getting Strategy Right (Enough)’, a UK Government guide to strategy making and strategic leadership.

A Fellow of both the Institute of Consulting and the Chartered Management Institute, Craig left the college in 2020 to set up his own consultancy. Since then, he has worked with a wide range of organisations across many sectors, helping them to develop the strategies, high-level leadership skills and award winning training solutions that have enabled them to excel in today’s complex, high-risk and ever-changing environment. You can see some of the organisations Craig has worked with at the bottom of this page. Or click the button below and watch the most recent episode of his ‘quick strategy’ series on YouTube to understand why his approach to strategy making is so effective.

Our Services

Our strategy consultants offer a complete and fully scalable strategy development service, ranging from an interactive presentation to help you think about how to approach your own strategy-making (which makes an excellent start to a management board ‘Away Day’), through to reviewing your current strategy, working with you to develop a completed strategy or delivering an award winning course to upskill your own strategy making capability.

We believe that high level leadership requires a different skill set to that at the lower levels. We therefore offer a series of presentations and workshops to help you explore these differences. We also design and deliver leadership development programmes and provide executive mentoring.

One of our training and education courses recently won a national award for excellence in design and delivery. We apply the same expertise to helping our clients develop innovative solutions to their most complex training and education problems.

The other services we offer include emergency response planning (ERP), executive mentoring, chairing panel discussions, conference and seminar facilitation, wargame and premortem facilitation, peer review of academic articles and expert advice to media projects.

Some of the organisations we’ve worked with

Craig Lawrence worked with one of the divisions in Odgers Berndtson to develop a new strategy for their expanding business
Craig Lawrence delivered a masterclass on strategy and strategy-making to the RAF's Tedder Academy of Leadership
Craig Lawrence delivered a strategy masterclass for this London NHS Trust to help them think about how to implement their new strategy
Working with Dods Training, Craig Lawrence delivered a strategic thinking course for HMRC in Aug 2023
Craig Lawrence has completed several contracts for the MOD, mainly relating to the design of training and education programmes
Craig Lawrence has delivered course design and deliver services for the UK Home Office
Craig Lawrence delivered a course on strategy making for the Royal Cayman Islands Police Service in February 2022
Craig Lawrence is a Senior Research Fellow for RAND Europe and also supports the STRATEXes they deliver for RCDS as a senior mentor
Craig Lawrence was the Senior Military Education Advisor for a project delivered by Crown Agents in Iraq. He also presents on Crown Agents strategy courses
Craig Lawrence delivered a 'Strategic Thinking' course for ofgem
Craig Lawrence delivers courses on Strategic Thinking and Systems Thinking for Total Politics Group
Craig Lawrence worked as part of a team from UDSS to help the Kenyan National Defence College (NDC) improve the design and implementation of their flagship strategy course
Craig Lawrence works with UDSS to deliver executive level training in strategy-making and to develop strategies for selected clients
Craig Lawrence delivered a strategy and strategy-making masterclass for the team at UKHSA
Craig Lawrence provided course design support to RCDS and occasionally mentors aspiring strategic leaders on the College's strategy exercises (STRATEX)
Craig Lawrence presented a masterclass on strategy and strategy-making to the Bangladesh National Defence College
Craig Lawrence worked with Vedette Consulting to help them develop their current strategy. He is also an Associate Partner of the company
Craig Lawrence is working with Laura Jo Foot Care to develop the strategy to launch the new 'Podi Pouch' product
Craig Lawrence works with Dods Training to deliver Strategic Thinking and Systems Thinking courses
Craig Lawrence does occasional work with TAG International in the Middle East
Craig Lawrence is working with the Royal Bank of Canada to deliver strategic leadership and strategic thinking modules as part of the bank's Leadership Academy
Craig Lawrence provided advice and support to a team from Naked TV scoping a documentary about Britain's Gurkhas
Craig provided advice to Rare TV to help them develop a proposal for a Gurkha themed reality TV programme
Craig Lawrence delivered a 'Systems Thinking' taster course for the Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities
Craig Lawrence Consulting delivered a 'Systems Thinking' course for delegates from the Department for Education
Craig Lawrence delivered a Strategic Thinking masterclass for the Department of Health and Social Care

Disclosure: we only endorse books, articles, reports and reviews that we personally recommend. If you purchase anything we recommend using one of our links to an Amazon product then please note that as an Amazon Associate, Craig Lawrence may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases, though there is no extra cost to you. The words that Amazon requires us to state on this page are: “as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.” You can find out more about Amazon’s Affiliate Program at this link.

Craig Lawrence Consulting Limited is registered in England and Wales under registration 13999213.

Our registered address is: Windover House, St Ann Street, Salisbury, SP1 2DR